Amazon Sellers & Business Owners

Increase Sales and Profit all while maintaining / decreasing ad spend

Say goodbye to confusing PPC tools, costly agencies and automation software or trying to manage everything on your own.

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Real Results From Real Amazon Sellers


"...the difference was just super clear right from the start. Within probably just a couple of weeks, we actually started to see our numbers going up...

...he didn't just like set up the campaigns and walk away. He actually took the time to help us to understand what was actually going on with the ads...

if you're thinking about, how to get your PPC to really work for you, I'd really recommend, talking to Vadim"

- Jonathan Hargrave

"".. we immediately started seeing a spike in revenue [after working with Vadim].. it was our first time hitting over 100k in a month.. and that continued to grow... 

...he'll explain, you know, which levers you need to pull to,  to sort of accomplish whatever goals you have.

I would definitely recommend working with Vadim if you're looking for someone who can bring a little more expertise to your PPC management and not just follow your instructions."

-Eli Perlman

This Stuff Really works!

- Michael Stefano

Other Happy Clients... 

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If you've scrolled this far - i have something special, just for you. A free audit. Click the link below to schedule a meeting (mention free audit)

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To your success. - Vadim

I charge fixed fee + % of ad revenue. My fees never exceed more 10-15% of your ad spend (applicable to established stores only).
I charge monthly, there are no set up or cancellation fees. The payment is to be made before work begins.
Full-fledged Amazon PPC management covering all ad types and every product in your catalogue. Weekly / bi-weekly strategy calls / weekly reporting for each product in your catalogue.
My clients typically experience sales boost in the first 2 weeks after account is analyzed and campaigns are restructured per best practices. Typically, first month is scaling, and focused more on increase top line revenue. Second month and onward is when we start optimizing more towards profit. The fees typically "recoup" themselves within first 1-1.5 months of working with me.
After you make the payment, we immediately schedule a call together and talk about strategy. I will keep you updated with weekly meetings, and weekly reporting sheets.

"...the difference was just super clear right from the start. Within probably just a couple of weeks, we actually started to see our numbers going up...

...he didn't just like set up the campaigns and walk away. He actually took the time to help us to understand what was actually going on with the ads...

if you're thinking about, how to get your PPC to really work for you, I'd really recommend, talking to Vadim"

"Despite being a small-time seller with only one main product, Vadim treats me with the utmost care and does a great job organizing and providing final conclusions on various tests. He consistently contributes ideas that enhance the success of my product, which is incredibly valuable.

I highly recommend him to anyone, whether you're a big-time seller or a small guy like me. Thanks, Vadim, and good luck to everyone."

- Michael Tornton

-Jake Sullins